Soyinka’s The Lion and The Jewel is a play set in the village of Ilujinle which occurs in a day-morning,…
Drama appreciation-Techniques that you must develop(Literature)..
Sense and Sensibility Analysis - Characterizarion: Sense and sensibility is the first of Jane Austen’s major novels to be published,…
Sense and Sensibility Novel Analysis: Sense and sensibility is the first of Jane Austen’s major novels to be published, and…
Sexuality, Feminism and Postcoloniality in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions and She Nolonger Weeps: "You had a daughter but i am…
Analysis of the poem written Near a Port on a Dark Evening: This is a sonnet by one of the…
This is a collection of highly esoteric poetry..., which can be charged of what Afrocentric scholars have described as 'piles…