Q and A

A prophet would never be respected in his home area. Discuss the truthfulness of these words using Zimbabwean prophet.

A prophet would never be respected in his home area. Discuss the truthfulness of these words using Zimbabwean prophet. Use…

1 year ago

Compare and contrast the aims and achievements of Tewodros II and Johannes IV as rulers of Ethiopia.

The most acceptable approach to this, and other 'compare and contrast' questions, will be a running point by point comparison…

1 year ago

‘The French Revolution was caused largely by errors of omission rather than those of commission’. Discuss this view of the reasons for the outbreak of the French Revolution

The 1789 revolution in France was largely caused by what Louis xvi failed to do [errors of omission]. The errors…

1 year ago
Account for Samori Touré’s success in building the Mandinka Empire. Analyse its main political, economic and social features.

Account for Samori Touré’s success in building the Mandinka Empire. Analyse its main political, economic and social features.

Samori built on foundations already laid by Dyula traders with whom he had close links; but his military skills, acquired…

1 year ago

Every Stone That turns analysis: Thomas Sukutai Bvuma

Every Stone That turns analysis: Thomas Sukutai bvuma. Here is the full analysis of Every stone that turns poems

1 year ago

What was the ‘House System’? Explain, with examples, the origins and importance of the system in the city states of the Niger Delta.

The house states of the Niger Delta in the mid-nineteenth century were essentially companies whose main function was the organisation…

1 year ago

Critical appreciation of the poem ‘Moving House’ from Flowers of Yesterday by Roland Mhasvi

Critical appreciation of the poem 'Moving House' from Flowers of Yesterday by Roland Mhasvi

1 year ago

With reference to specific examples, account for the emergence and growth of independent African churches in West Africa and assess their importance in the region.

Independent African Churches grew up as a protest against the style of management of mission controlled churches and against certain…

1 year ago

How were slave acquired

8 (Eight) ways in which slaves were acquired: Here is how slaves were acquired

1 year ago

Assess the view that ‘Africans who resisted Europeans were bound to fail; those who collaborated were certain to gain’. Answer with reference to the history of Central and East Africa.

Good candidates should be expected to challenge the truth of this view as well as offering evidence to support it.…

1 year ago