Do you want to know how robots work? Are you interested in robotics as a career? Are you willing to invest the effort to learn fundamental mathematical modeling techniques that are used in all subfields of robotics?
If so, then the “Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control” specialization may be for you. This specialization, consisting of six short courses, is serious preparation for serious students who hope to work in the field of robotics or to undertake advanced study. It is not a sampler. In Course 4 of the specialization, Robot Motion Planning and Control, you will learn key concepts of robot motion generation: planning a motion for a robot in the presence of obstacles, and real-time feedback control to track the planned motion.
Chapter 10, Motion Planning, of the “Modern Robotics” textbook covers foundational material like C-space obstacles, graphs and trees, and graph search, as well as classical and modern motion planning techniques, such as grid-based motion planning, randomized sampling-based planners, and virtual potential fields. Chapter 11, Robot Control, covers motion control, force control, and hybrid motion-force control.
This course follows the textbook “Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control” (Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 2017). You can purchase the book or use the free preprint pdf. You will build on a library of robotics software in the language of your choice (among Python, Mathematica, and MATLAB) and use the free cross-platform robot simulator V-REP, which allows you to work with state-of-the-art robots in the comfort of your own home and with zero financial investment.
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Q1. Which of these refers to the ability of a motion planner to find a solution when one exists?
Q2. If the robot is a dynamic mechanical system, and the inputs uu are forces, what is the state of the system?
Q1. Consider a two-joint RP robot with joint limits on both the revolute joint and the prismatic joint. In the absence of obstacles, how many connected components does the free C-space have?
Q1. Which of the following is a valid optimistic cost-to-go from a graph node, assuming that there is a path from the node to the goal? Select all that apply.
Q2. Can the estimated total cost assigned to a node ever increase?
Q3. If the optimistic cost-to-go heuristic returns an estimated cost-to-go from a node that is higher than the actual minimum cost to get to the goal node, what is the effect on A* search?
Q1. What properties does a C-space roadmap satisfy? Select all that apply.
Q1. The lecture on complete path planners describes a planner that finds plans for a polygon translating among polygonal obstacles. Which of the following properties is satisfied by the planner? Select all that apply.
Q2. The figure below shows the C-space of a 2R robot. Remembering how the C-space wraps around, how many connected components does the free C-space have? C-space obstacles are represented as gray.
Q3. Two graph nodes, A and B, are in the OPEN list of an A* search. Node A has a heuristic_cost_to_go of 20. Node B has a heuristic_cost_to_go of 10. Which node will be explored from next?
Q4. For the graph below, which of the following is a correct characterization? Select all that apply.
Q1. If the C-space is represented by three coordinates, and each coordinate range is subdivided into 10 intervals, how many cells are in the C-space grid representation?
Q2. Which of the following statements about a motion planner is correct?
Q3. A C-space cell is marked as “collision” if any configuration in the cell is in collision. Otherwise the cell is marked as “free.” The configuration that represents a cell is the point at the middle of the cell. Consider two adjacent 4-connected cells in a 2-dimensional grid. True or false: the straight-line path between two adjacent free cells is necessarily collision free
Q1. A probabilistic roadmap (PRM) representing the free C-space is generated by sampling configurations in C-space (the nodes of the graph) and then connecting nearby nodes by edges that correspond to collision-free paths found by a simple local planner. What methods could be used to generate the sampled configurations? Select all that apply.
Q1. The RRT algorithm generates new edges using a local planner, which takes as input a sampled state x_{text{samp}}xsamp and a state x_{text{nearest}}xnearest (already in the search tree). What properties should the local planner satisfy? Select all that apply. (This is consistently one of the most incorrectly answered questions in this course, so think about it carefully!)
Q2. Is an RRT better described as a general “graph” or more specifically as a “tree?”
Q1. First we construct a potential field representing the goal configuration and the obstacles: the potential is minimized at the goal configuration and is high near the obstacles. Which of the following might be a good choice for a robot controller based on the potential field P?
Q2. The point of using virtual potential fields is to drive the robot to the global minimum of the potential, which should be at the goal configuration. The global minimum is also a local minimum, which is one example of a critical point of the potential function, where the gradient goes to zero (i.e., there is no “downhill” or “uphill” direction, when considering only the derivatives of the potential function; there may be a downhill or uphill direction considering second or higher derivatives). Other critical points include local minima that are not at the goal configuration, local maxima, and saddles (which are local minima in some directions and local maxima in other directions).
Which of the following critical points represent significant problems for virtual potential field controllers? Select all that apply.
Q1. In the “shooting” approach to nonlinear optimization, you guess the controls (represented by some finite parametrization of the control history) and use simulation to calculate the resulting trajectory of the robot. You iterate this process to find a set of controls that satisfies the constraints and (locally) minimizes the cost. To assist this process, which gradients might you have to calculate? Select all that apply.
Q2. Which formulation of a nonlinear optimization problem would you expect to have more design variables and constraints, shooting or collocation?
Q1. Which properties does a basic RRT planner satisfy? Select all that apply.
Q2 If you represent the 6-dimensional C-space of a rigid body as a grid, with 20 discrete values along each of the 6 dimensions, how many cells does the C-space grid have
Q3. If a potential field is quadratic in the configuration, which of the following describes its gradient?
Q4. A probabilistic roadmap (PRM) approach is likely to be preferred to an RRT in which situation? (Choose only one.)
Q1. What is hybrid motion-force control?
Q2. If the controller acts based on sensor feedback, this is:
Q1. Which of the following are components of the transient error response? Select all that apply.
Q1. For the decaying response theta_e(t) = theta_e(0) e^{-at}θe(t)=θe(0)e−at, a>0a>0, what is the time constant mathfrak{t}t of the decay?
Q2. For the first-order error dynamics
dot{theta}_e(t) +(k/b) theta_e(t) = 0θ˙e(t)+(k/b)θe(t)=0,
kk is a (virtual) spring and bb is a (virtual) damper. The time constant of the dynamics is mathfrak{t} = b/kt=b/k.
Which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply.
Q3. For the first-order error dynamics dot{theta}_e + (1/mathfrak{t}) theta_e = 0θ˙e+(1/t)θe=0, which of the following is closest to the 2% settling time for the step error response?
Q1. The second-order error dynamics
ddot{theta}_e(t) + 2 zeta omega_n dot{theta}_e(t) + omega_n^2 theta_e(t) = 0θ¨e(t)+2ζωnθ˙e(t)+ωn2θe(t)=0
has a characteristic equation
s^2 + 2 zeta omega_n s + omega_n^2=0s2+2ζωns+ωn2=0,
with roots s_{1,2} = -zeta omega_n pm omega_n sqrt{zeta^2-1}s1,2=−ζωn±ωnζ2−1. Assume that zetaζ and omega_nωn are both positive. Which of the following could possibly describe the step error response? Select all that apply.
Q2. Refer back to the equations at the beginning of Question 1. Which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply.
Q1. The joint controller is dot{theta} = K_p theta_eθ˙=Kpθe. If the reference has dot{theta}_d = 0θ˙d=0, which of the following describes the error dynamics?
Q2. The joint controller is dot{theta} = K_p theta_eθ˙=Kpθe. If the reference has dot{theta}_d = k neq 0θ˙d=k=0, which of the following describes the error dynamics?
Q3. A controller that commands a joint velocity proportional to a position error is called a proportional (P) controller, dot{theta} = K_p theta_eθ˙=Kpθe. This can reduce the error theta_eθe to zero if the reference trajectory is theta_d = kθd=k for some constant kk (i.e., dot{theta}_d =0θ˙d=0), but it cannot reduce error to zero if the reference trajectory is theta_d(t) = ktθd(t)=kt (a constant velocity k neq 0k=0). Which of the following is a correct explanation why?
Q1. The PI control law for a velocity-controlled joint is
dot{theta}(t) = K_p theta_e(t) + K_i int_0^t theta_e(text{t}) d text{t}θ˙(t)=Kpθe(t)+Ki∫0tθe(t)dt.
If the reference trajectory satisfies theta_d(t) = ktθd(t)=kt (i.e., dot{theta}_d(t) = ktθ˙d(t)=kt) for some kneq 0k=0, the error dynamics satisfies
ddot{theta}_e(t) + K_p dot{theta}_e(t) + K_i theta_e(t) = 0.θ¨e(t)+Kpθ˙e(t)+Kiθe(t)=0.
Which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply
Q1. If X_d(t)Xd(t) is the SE(3)SE(3) representation of the desired end-effector frame in the space frame, and dot{X}_dX˙d is its time derivative at a given time, then X_d^{-1} dot{X}_dXd−1X˙d is the se(3)se(3) representation of the twist at that time in the end-effector frame, and dot{X}_d X_d^{-1}X˙dXd−1 is the se(3)se(3) representation of the twist in the space frame {s} (as we learned in Chapter 3). In the feedforward plus PI feedback control law described in the video, what is mathcal{V}_dVd?
Q2. mathcal{V}_dVd is the twist for the desired end-effector trajectory expressed in the desired end-effector frame {d}. [text{Ad}_{X_{bd}}] mathcal{V}_d[AdXbd]Vd is this same twist, but expressed in the current end-effector frame {b}. The feedforward plus feedback control law is
mathcal{V}_b = [text{Ad}_{X_{bd}}] mathcal{V}_d + K_p X_e + K_i int X_e dtext{t}Vb=[AdXbd]Vd+KpXe+Ki∫Xedt.
Select all the statements below that are true.
Q3. What is the error twist X_eXe?
Q4. Once a controller twist mathcal{V}_bVb is calculated, the commanded joint velocities can be calculated as dot{theta} = J_b^dagger(theta) mathcal{V}_bθ˙=Jb†(θ)Vb. Under what circumstances can the inverse Jacobian J_b^{-1}(theta)Jb−1(θ) be used instead of the pseudoinverse?
Q1. Which of the following is the characteristic equation of
4ddot{x} + 8 dot{x} + 12 x = 04x¨+8x˙+12x=0?
Q2. What is the characteristic equation corresponding to
dot{x} = left[
right] = left[
right] left[
Q3. Referring to the previous question: is the differential equation stable or unstable? (You can use a test in the book, or use software to calculate roots or eigenvalues.)
Q4. Which of the following are hallmarks of the response of an underdamped system? Select all that apply.
Q5. What is the damping ratio zetaζ for the second-order linear dynamics described by the characteristic equation s^2+2s + 2 =0s2+2s+2=0? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.0
Q6. What is the damped natural frequency omega_dωd for the dynamics ddot{x} + 3dot{x} + 9x =0x¨+3x˙+9x=0? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.01
Q7. The roots of the characteristic equations of the second-order error dynamics for two different controlled systems, A and B, are shown below. The two roots for B are collocated. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.
Q8. Consider the robot joint error dynamics described by the characteristic equation
s^2 + K_p s + K_i =0s2+Kps+Ki=0,
where the reference motion of the joint has a constant velocity and K_pKp and K_iKi are the P and I control gains, respectively, in your PI joint velocity controller dot{theta} = K_p theta_e + K_i int theta_e dtext{t}θ˙=Kpθe+Ki∫θedt. If you want critical damping and you have committed to choosing K_i = 10Ki=10, what value of K_pKp should you use? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.1
Q9. What are the units for the K_pKp value you entered in Question 8?
Q10. For Question 8, what is the 2% settling time of your error dynamics for your solution to K_pKp? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.1 s
Q11. Consider again the robot joint error dynamics described by the characteristic equation
s^2 + K_p s + K_i =0s2+Kps+Ki=0.
If we fix K_p=20Kp=20, what is the 2% settling time if we choose K_iKi for critical damping? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.01 s.
Q1. For PD control of a single joint to a constant setpoint in zero gravity, as discussed in the video, the error dynamics can be written as a second-order linear homogeneous differential equation. The characteristic equation corresponding to this differential equation is
s^2 + ((b+K_d)/M) s + K_p/M = 0s2+((b+Kd)/M)s+Kp/M=0,
and we can control the locations of the two roots in the complex plane by choosing the control gains K_pKp and K_dKd. Which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply.
Q1. What is the order of the differential equation describing the error dynamics for a torque-controlled robot using PID control?
Q2. Which of the following is a reason to add an integral control term (i.e., to use PID control instead of PD control)?
Q3. Why do many real robot controllers avoid the use of integral control (i.e., PD control is favored over PID control)?
Q1. The joint-space computed-torque control law calculates the commanded joint acceleration as the sum of the feedforward acceleration ddot{theta}_dθ¨d and a PID or PD feedback correction term. How are commanded joint accelerations converted to commanded joint torques and forces?
Q2. The task-space computed torque control law uses a model of the end-effector mass matrix tilde{Lambda}Λ~ and the end-effector gravitational and velocity-product terms tilde{eta}η~ to compute a commanded end-effector wrench mathcal{F}_bFb. How is this wrench converted to a set of joint torques and forces?
Q1. Usually a force controller does not use a model of the robot’s mass matrix and velocity-product terms. What is one reason?
Q1. The robot end-effector firmly grips the handle of a drawer, that can only slide in and out with one degree of freedom. The robot is controlled with a hybrid motion-force controller. The controlled motion is the opening and closing of the drawer. What is the rank of the matrix P(theta)P(θ) that projects arbitrary end-effector wrenches to the components of the wrench that cause motion without creating forces against the constraints?
Q1. Consider a single-joint robot driven by a PID controller that commands a joint torque. Assume the characteristic equation of the error dynamics can be written in the form
s^3 + frac{b+K_d}{M}s^2 + frac{K_p}{M} s + frac{K_i}{M} = 0s3+Mb+Kds2+MKps+MKi=0,
and let M = 1M=1, b = 2b=2, K_d = 3Kd=3, and K_p = 4Kp=4. What is the maximum value of K_iKi for which the system is stable? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.1
Q2. For the previous problem, what is the minimum value of K_iKi for which the system is stable? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.1
Q3. For the error characteristic equation of Question 1, we would like to choose the control gains K_dKd, K_pKp, and K_iKi so that all three roots are at s = -4s=−4. If M=1M=1 and b=2b=2, what gain K_dKd must we choose? Enter a numeric value, accurate to within 0.1
Q3. In the computed-torque control law, the control law calculates the commanded acceleration of the joints
ddot{theta} = ddot{theta}_d + K_d dot{theta}_e + K_p theta_e + K_i int theta_e(t) dtext{t}θ¨=θ¨d+Kdθ˙e+Kpθe+Ki∫θe(t)dt.
To convert this to commanded joint torques, what else is needed? Select all that apply.
Q5. Why are integral gains K_iKi often chosen as zero in robot controllers?
Q6. Consider an 8R robot arm at a configuration away from a singularity, i.e., its Jacobian has rank 6 and it can move its end-effector in any twist direction in the 6-dimensional twist space. Now, we rigidly attach its end-effector to the end-effector of a 3R robot arm (also away from a singularity), which allows the end-effector of the 8R to move instantaneously in only three degrees of freedom.
Now consider the eight-dimensional space of joint torques of the 8R. There is a subspace A of joint torques that causes internal motion of the 8R robot (with no motions or forces at its end-effector) and a subspace B of joint torques that causes forces against the constraints provided by the 3R but no motion of the 8R (internal or at the end-effector).
What is the dimension of the subspace
Q7. From the previous question: what is the dimension of the subspace B?
I hope this Modern Robotics, Course 4: Robot Motion Planning and Control Quiz Answers would be useful for you to learn something new from the Course. If it helped you, don’t forget to bookmark our site for more Quiz Answers.
This course is intended for audiences of all experiences who are interested in learning about new skills in a business context; there are no prerequisite courses.
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