Family embraces Chief Albert Luthuli’s death inquest being reopened

The Luthuli family has embraced the reopening of an inquest into the death of Chief Albert Luthuli, viewing it as an opportunity to rectify the historical narrative.

The anti-apartheid activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate died on July 21, 1967, reportedly struck by a train near his residence in Groutville, on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast.

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development announced the decision to reopen the inquest, acting on recommendations from the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and extending the same action to the deaths of prominent anti-apartheid lawyer Griffiths Mxenge and civic leader Booi Mantyi.

For over 50 years, the Luthuli family has sought clarity, harboring doubts about the findings of the official inquest conducted by the apartheid regime.

The regime’s report concluded that Luthuli was fatally hit by a train on a railway bridge near his home in Groutville. The Justice Ministry acknowledged the persistent speculation surrounding the incident, stating that the exact circumstances remained unclear.

The news of the reopened inquest followed a wreath-laying ceremony at Luthuli’s grave attended by the family over the weekend. Sandile Luthuli, Luthuli’s grandson, expressed that the unresolved matter remained a sore point for the family.

Source: SABC

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#Family #embraces #Chief #Albert #Luthulis #death #inquest #reopened

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