NHI Will Be Reviewed And Revamped Until It’s Perfect – Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa has stated that the National Health Insurance (NHI) will undergo continuous reviews and improvements until it reaches perfection.

Last week, Ramaphosa enacted the NHI, sparking significant opposition from various political parties and organizations.

The NHI is a funding model designed to enable the government to finance specific medical services at both public and private healthcare centers.

President Cyril Ramaphosa highlighted that the existing healthcare system in the country predominantly benefits the wealthy.

He noted that the government supports private healthcare through various means, including training healthcare professionals and offering medical aid tax rebates.

He believes that once the national health insurance is operational, it will ultimately benefit everyone.

“We cannot stop the progress of health coverage history because this one has a problem with that and that one has a problem with that.”

Ramaphosa announced that the NHI will be rolled out in stages over the next few years.

#NHI #Reviewed #Revamped #Perfect #Ramaphosa

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