City Of Johannesburg Claims ActionSA Driving Force Behind Recent Pikitup Strike

The City of Johannesburg alleges that ActionSA is the main instigator behind the recent Pikitup strike.

Due to the work stoppage by contract employees, trash has accumulated in the city for more than a week. Mlimandlela Ndamase, the spokesperson for the mayor, stated: “The mayor has raised his views that ActionSA and its leaders have directly influenced and sponsored the disruption of services to nearly a million residences and businesses across the city.”

However, ActionSA spokesperson Michael Beaumont denied these allegations from Gwamanda, noting that they were only called upon to help Pikitup workers after the strike commenced.

“The truth is that this strike began after his government promised permanent employment to casual workers in the Pikitup environment, and then proceeded to do what the ANC [African National Congress] and coalition partners of theirs have always done and go ahead and recruit the family members and relatives of people in the ANC and their political circles. That is what has caused this strike.”

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