Israel criticized for Rafah strikes

RAFAH – An Israeli strike that Gaza officials claimed resulted in the deaths of 45 individuals in a camp that houses displaced Palestinians elicited global condemnation on Monday.

The incident was trenchantly criticized by numerous nations and organizations, and Israel’s military announced that it had initiated an investigation into the matter.


Tor Wennesland, the UN Middle East envoy, urged Israel to “conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident, hold those responsible for any wrongdoing to account, and take immediate steps to better protect civilians.”

– European Union –

Josep Borrell, the chief of EU foreign policy, expressed his horror at the news of Israeli strikes in Rafah that resulted in the deaths of numerous displaced persons, including small children. He further stated, “I condemn this in the strongest terms.”


“With horrific overnight air strikes killing mostly Palestinian women & children… the State of Israel continues to violate international law with impunity and in contempt of an ICJ (International Court of Justice) ruling two days ago ordering an end to its military action in Rafah,” Moussa Faki Mahamat, the head of the AU Commission said on X.

“The ICJ order must be urgently enforced if global order is to prevail,” according to him.


“It is imperative that these operations cease. President Emmanuel Macron stated on X in English that there are no secure areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians.

“I call for full respect for international law and an immediate ceasefire.”


“We will take all necessary measures to ensure that these barbarians and murderers, who have no connection to humanity, are held accountable,” stated President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


The Egyptian foreign ministry expressed its regret for the “tragic event” and condemned the “targeting of defenseless civilians” and “a systematic policy aimed at extending the scope of death and destruction in the Gaza Strip to render it uninhabitable.”

It requested that Israel “implement the measures ordered by the International Court of Justice concerning an immediate cessation of military operations” regarding Rafah.

The ministry denounced the strike as “a new flagrant violation of the provisions of international humanitarian law.”

#Israel #criticized #Rafah #strikes

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