Innovative Ways African Nations are Transforming Governance with Disruptive Tech

Several African countries are leveraging disruptive technologies like AI and blockchain to enhance governance, transparency, and service delivery. Mauritius has developed a national AI strategy focusing on fostering applications, building ecosystems, investing in skills, and establishing regulatory frameworks. South Africa is making strides in responsible AI development; it established the South African Artificial Intelligence Association towards this goal. For Egypt, education and training form the basis of its AI approach, with the establishment of programs geared towards providing future generations with AI skills. Tanzania is another country that is co-opting disruptive technology in governance. The East African country is using AI to improve its digital data pool and strengthen its e-government services. With this initiative, it hopes to tackle inefficiencies and corruption, and improve service delivery to its citizens. Finally, Ghana aspires to become Africa’s first blockchain-powered government, seeking to use its features to enhance transparency and reduce fraud in government processes.


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