ANC ward councillor says they’ll soon know what Swellendam’s plans are for torched buildings

African National Congress (ANC) ward councillor in Swellendam Julian Matthyssen said they’ll know soon what the municipality’s plans are for two important buildings that were torched during unrest in the town.

A municipal building and a community service centre were set alight during violent electricity-related protests in 2023. Nine months later, and no rebuilding work has taken place.

Matthyssen said they should find out later on Friday what the municipality’s plans are for the buildings.

“I did raise the question in a council meeting, and the response of the municipal manager was that there would be a report distributed to all councillors. So, we will have that progress report of what is happening and what the status is of the rebuilding of the two buildings.”

Meanwhile, Matthyssen said he was pleased voting took place peacefully, despite threats of disruptions.

He commended the police for ensuring an incident-free voting process.

However, Matthyssen said voter turnout in Railton and Maytyoks informal settlement could have been better.

He blamed voter apathy and a lack of service delivery in the town.

“There are some residents that refused to go and vote because of issues with the municipality, like the cutting off of electricity if you don’t pay.”


In other news – Jub Jub fumes after being denied to vote

Mzansi rapper, and TV presenter, Jub Jub was one of many South Africans who were unable to vote in the general elections after going to a station where they were not registered.

Jub Jub fumes after being denied to vote

The musician who presents Moja Love’s reality TV show Uyajola 9/9 shared his annoyance on his Instagram Stories. On Wednesday, 29 May, Jub Jub visited his nearest polling station to cast his vote. However, the TV personality was turned away. Read More

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