Nigeria’s Labour Unions Embark on Indefinite Strike Over Wage Dispute

Nigeria’s two main labor unions, the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), have embarked on an indefinite strike due to a dispute over a new minimum wage with the government. The unions rejected the government’s proposal of a 60,000 Naira minimum wage on Tuesday, demanding a higher amount. Frustration grew when government representatives failed to attend a crucial meeting on Friday, prompting the unions to proceed with the strike. In addition to the minimum wage dispute, the unions are protesting against a recent hike in electricity tariffs. Rates more than doubled for some consumers in April, a move that the government claims will save at least $788 million in subsidies this year. This strike comes amid broader economic challenges for Nigeria, as President Bola Tinubu’s government implements cost-cutting measures to address declining revenue, dwindling investments, and chronic oil theft.


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