Winde Elected For Second Term As Western Cape Premier

Alan Winde has been reelected as the Premier of the Western Cape, securing 26 of the 42 available votes.

The candidate from the African National Congress (ANC), Muhammad Khaled Sayed, garnered 14 votes, with two ballots being spoiled.

The process of Winde’s swearing-in as a Member of the Provincial Legislature (MPL) and his election as premier was swift and free of incidents, taking just a few hours on Thursday morning.

The election process was executed smoothly, without any delays or debates.

This election came after the oath-taking of both new and returning MPLs, who committed to serving the public.

Following his election, Winde expressed his gratitude to the assembly and made a commitment to the residents of the province.

“It is a privilege and also an honour to be able to take this position into the next term on behalf of the citizens of this province,” he stated.

Following the election of the Speaker, Winde will officially be sworn in as premier, after which he will appoint his Cabinet later that day.

#Winde #Elected #Term #Western #Cape #Premier

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