MK Party Takes Its Fight To Overturn Polls To Electoral Court

The Umkhonto weSizwe Party is determined to challenge the outcome of the May election.

The party has taken its fight to the Electoral Court, filing an urgent application to have the election results set aside.

The party, led by former president Jacob Zuma, wants the court to declare the polls invalid, alleging serious irregularities and that the polls were not free and fair.

The MK party is seeking to have the elections rerun within 90 days of a court order.

Earlier this week, the party made a similar application to the country’s top court to block Parliament from convening its first sitting.

It claims “hundreds of thousands of votes” were stolen from it during the national election, but it told the Constitutional Court it would not provide evidence yet.

The apex court dismissed the application and stated that it was neither within its jurisdiction to hear the case nor in the interest of justice to grant direct access.

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