China Fires Back Following the G7 summit’s Conclusion, Criticizing The Leaders’ Joint Statement

The Group of Seven, gathering recently in Italy, focused their discussions on strained trade relations with Beijing and escalating tensions involving Ukraine and the South China Sea. Their concluding statement accused China of supplying dual-use materials to Russia, which were purportedly aiding Moscow’s military efforts in Ukraine.

This year’s statement employed stronger rhetoric compared to previous summits, also condemning China’s activities in the South China Sea as “militaristic, coercive, and intimidating.”

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian asserted on Monday that the G7 statement unjustly “defamed and attacked” China. He dismissed the claims as recycled accusations devoid of factual, legal, or moral foundation, instead characterizing them as steeped in arrogance, prejudice, and falsehoods.

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