Former SA President Jacob Zuma Criticizes the Country’s New Coalition Government

Former South African president Jacob Zuma, now leading the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, criticized the country’s new coalition government on Sunday and demanded fresh elections.

Speaking at a press briefing in Johannesburg, Zuma insisted on a redo of the elections, stating, “There must be a repeat. No, There must be an elections.”

In the May 29 elections, Zuma’s MK Party secured third place but declared that none of its 58 newly elected lawmakers would join the ruling coalition.

Zuma has been adamant that his party will not engage in negotiations under the leadership of Cyril Ramaphosa, whom he views with animosity since being replaced as president.

Ramaphosa, 71, was reelected for a second term on Friday with support from lawmakers of the Democratic Alliance and smaller parties, securing victory after the ANC struck a last-minute coalition agreement.

Zuma voiced grievances about alleged electoral irregularities, asserting, “The whole big group of political parties, all complaining simultaneously that we are robbed here. We want this to be looked at.”

Expressing distrust in the South African judicial system, Zuma announced plans to take legal action internationally, stating, “We are going to the international court…so that this country does not have the South African judges doing so.”

He also called for new elections, citing issues at polling stations, remarking, “Let us see the votes properly. We have many stories about votes. Some burnt. You don’t even need to listen to what people have to say.”

Zuma resigned from the presidency in 2018 amid allegations of corruption.

#President #Jacob #Zuma #Criticizes #Countrys #Coalition #Government

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