Ramaphosa To Convene A National Dialogue To Consolidate GNU

President Cyril Ramaphosa has urged South Africans to support the newly established Government of National Unity, stating that the country must continue to progress or risk losing the achievements of the last thirty years.

In his address at the Union Buildings on Wednesday, Ramaphosa detailed how the new Government of National Unity will leverage its resources to serve the South African people.

The formation of his second term was made possible through a coalition with the Democratic Alliance (DA) and five other political groups.

During his speech, Ramaphosa presented an optimistic outlook for South Africa as it faces new challenges.

He reiterated his commitment to working with all political groups to fulfill the needs of the populace.

“Now is the time to move forward – together we will and we can do more and better, as South Africans,” he stated.

Tackling youth unemployment is a key priority for him.

“We dare not linger. We dare not rest until we have created jobs for those who need them until there’s enough food on every table,” he emphasized.

Further, Ramaphosa pledged to reduce violence, especially against women and children, and to hold those accountable who steal from public funds.

#Ramaphosa #Convene #National #Dialogue #Consolidate #GNU

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