Ren-Form CC Sets the Record Straight on Its Ties to Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu Amid ZEC Corruption Scandal

Ren-Form CC Denies Ties to Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu

The South African company Ren-Form CC, implicated in the ZEC election procurement corruption scandal, has finally responded to the allegations leveled against it.

The company, which has been linked to controversial businessmen Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu, denies knowing these individuals or having any business dealings with them.

Ren-Form’s response comes as the three men are being investigated by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) for alleged theft of trust property and money laundering. The probe was launched following a contractual dispute between the trio over the supply of election materials to ZEC.

The company, through Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu, is alleged to have secured tender deals from ZEC worth millions without following due process.

Also Read: Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe and Associates Linked to ZEC’s US$9 Million Toilets-Gate Corruption Scandal

Ren-Form Refutes Procurement Irregularities and Corruption Claims Linked to ZEC Contracts

A letter allegedly from Ren- Form CC is circulating on social media. In the letter, Ren-Form CC responded to the recent allegations circulating claiming that they were involved in dodgy corrupt deals with ZEC.

I am writing further to the recent allegations that have surfaced in the Zimbabwe media which allege procurement irregularities and corrupt practices in terms of various contracts between ZEC and Ren-Form during the course of last year where Ren-Form was contracted to supply the Commission with both sensitive and non-sensitive materials for the 2023 elections.

Also Read: ZEC Breaks Silence on Ties to Chivayo, Chimombe and Mpofu Amid ZACC Corruption Probe

Ren-Form CC Distances Itself from Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu

Ren-Form CC emphatically denied any involvement or connection with the Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe and Moses Chimombe or the allegations they have made. The company stated that they do not know the trio and has no relationship or agreement with them regarding ZEC.

Furthermore, the company asserted that the claims allegedly made by the Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofy are entirely unfounded.

At Ren-Form we are outraged by these allegations and we would like to set the record straight in terms of the claims made by the two gentlemen concerned, which have completely no basis. We confirm that we do not know these gentlemen, and have no relationship whatsoever nor any agreement of any sort with these gentlemen relating to ZEC or any other matter.

Ren-Form’s Legal Strategy and Commitment to Reputation Defense

Ren-Form added that they are taking the allegations very seriously and has engaged a senior legal team to represent them. They noted that they are considering taking legal action in Zimbabwe to defend their name and reputation.

In the circumstances we take these allegations very seriously and we have already engaged a senior legal team to act on our behalf, and we do not rule out taking appropriate action in Zimbabwe to defend our name and reputation. We shall in due course share the details of our legal team with you, in case you have any requests for information on this matter.

Here is the letter in it’s entirety;

Ren-Form CC Denies Ties to Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu
Ren-Form CC Denies Ties to Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu (Image Credit: X @MacBelts)

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