Stats SA Says The Non-Agricultural Sector Has Shed Over 67,000 Jobs

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) reported a significant loss of over 67,000 jobs in the non-agricultural sector during the first quarter of the year, reducing the total employment in this sector to 10.6 million.

The agency unveiled these findings in its latest quarterly employment statistics on Tuesday.

Matlapane Masupye, the director of quarterly employment statistics at Stats SA, identified four main industries that negatively impacted employment in the non-agriculture sector.

“This was due to decreases in the following industries: trade (-57 000 or – 2,4%), community services (-18 000 or -0,6%), business services (-4 000 or -0,2%), and mining (-3 000 or -0,6%). The electricity industry showed no change.”

Following the release of these statistics, Action SA has called for immediate governmental action to tackle the unemployment crisis in South Africa.

The party is urging the 7th administration to take definitive steps to resolve this issue.

“In recognition of this crisis, given the growing economy, addressing unemployment must be the first task that the 7th Parliament undertakes.

“By every objective measure, previous government and parliamentary administrations have failed in this regard, and it is vital that the new 7th Parliament prioritises and delivers on a growing economy that creates meaningful employment,” stated spokesperson Alan Beesley.

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