Mike Chimombe And Moses Mpofu Arrested For Stealing Money Meant For Presidential Goats

ZANU PF-linked tenderpreneurs Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu have been arrested for stealing money meant for the Presidential Goats Scheme.


Mike Chimomebe and Moses Mpofu Arrested, Appear In Court

The two, who got a Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development contract under Blackdeck Farming and Poultry, failed to deliver the goats despite receiving millions from the Treasury.

Chimombe and Mpofu appeared this morning at the Harare Magistrates’ Court. They are facing allegations of fraud.

Unlike the 78 CCC members who were dragged to court in buses and looking scruffy, Chimombe and Mpofu looked elegant, clad in expensive suits and oozing arrogance. Mpofu even waltzed into the court building with his hands in his pockets, accompanied by their team of lawyers.

Watch the video below.



The Crime

Mike Chimombe Mpofu Arrested
Mike Chimombe And Moses Mpofu Arrested [Image: @mike.chimombe/Instagram]


In 2021, the Government entered into a contract agreement with an unregistered company called Blackdeck Livestock and Poultry Farming, represented by Moses Mpofu. The contract was valued at US$87,757,168 for the supply and delivery of 632,000 goats over five years. The goats were meant for underprivileged communities in Zimbabwe.

ZACC revealed that the Government paid Blackdeck ZWL1.6 billion to deliver goats. However, Chimombe and Mpofu allegedly did not deliver the goats as agreed. Instead, they converted the funds for their own use by purchasing luxurious houses and vehicles.

In a statement yesterday, the company said it did not receive US$40 million as alleged. Also, it revealed Mike Chimombe is neither a shareholder nor a director.

ALSO READ: Blackdeck Denies Being Given US$40 Million For Goats, Says Mike Chimombe Is Not A Shareholder

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