MK Party’s Bid To Overturn Poll Results An Abuse Of Court Processes – IEC

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has criticized the Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party’s latest legal challenge to the election results as an exploitation of the country’s judicial processes.

The IEC has responded by filing an affidavit in the Electoral Court to contest the MK Party’s plea to invalidate the 2024 general election results, describing the plea as a mere repeat of another recently rejected by the Constitutional Court.

The commission has characterized the MK Party’s filing as flawed due to lack of evidence, data misrepresentation, and non-adherence to proper procedure.

According to the IEC’s chief electoral officer, Sy Mamabolo, in a submitted affidavit, the MK Party failed to provide any valid proof to substantiate its allegations of voter rigging.

Mamabolo noted that the cyber expert report the party submitted was unauthored and thus unreliable as it didn’t originate from a verifiable source.

He also accused the party, led by former President Jacob Zuma, of attempting to stir up public sentiment.

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