Stella Assange’s wife thanks supporters, says he needs space to recuperate

Stella Assange, wife of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, thanked the public for supporting her husband at a press conference on Wednesday and asked for privacy while he took time to recover after his release following a 14-year legal battle.

“He wanted to be here, but you have to understand what he’s been through. He needs time. He needs to recuperate,” she said.

Stella thanked Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and officials at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade who worked on securing Assange’s release.

She tearfully acknowledged the role of public support in Assange’s release, saying, ‘it took millions of people. It took people working behind the scenes. People protesting on the streets for days and weeks and months and years. And we achieved it’.

Stella said she believed Assange would be pardoned if the press united against the precedent his case sets.

“I think he’ll be pardoned if the press unite to push back against this precedent because it affects all of you, it affects your future ability to inform the public and to publish without fear.

Source: SABC

In other news – Shrek 5 and Donkey movie coming says Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy, the renowned comedy legend, has delved back into his iconic role in the Shrek franchise. He recently confirmed his involvement in not just one but two upcoming projects.

Eddie Murphy

Murphy, aged 63, disclosed in a recent interview that he has commenced work on Shrek 5. He excitingly announced a spinoff film centred around his beloved character, Donkey. Read more

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