President Mnangagwa’s Son’s Borrowdale Mansion On Fire Following Mysterious Break-Ins

President Mnangagwa’s Son’s Borrowdale Mansion On Fire Following Mysterious Break-Ins

It’s been a tough few days for President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son and deputy finance minister, David Kudakwashe Mnangagwa. His Borrowdale home caught fire late on Friday evening, and the blaze reignited on Saturday morning.

This incident follows closely on the heels of two reported break-ins at his property on Mt Camel Road in Borrowdale.

Also read: Deputy Finance Minister David Kudakwashe Mnangagwa Faces Security Breaches At Home As Intruders Break In Twice

Police Yet to Comment As President Mnangagwa’s Son’s Borrowdale Mansion Catches Fire

While police have not commented on the fire, they confirmed a security breach at David Kudakwashe Mnangagwa’s residence sometime this week. Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, stated:

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms that investigations are being conducted in connection with a report of criminal acts at the residence of the Deputy Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion, Honourable David Kudakwaswe Mnangagwa’s residence in Harare on 23rd June 2024. More details will be availed as investigations unravel.”

Although the police acknowledged only one incident, sources told ZimLive there were two security breaches on June 23 and June 25.

On June 25, an intruder, dubbed the “ghost raider,” left six cartridges; three outside David Mnangagwa’s main bedroom door and three on the lawn outside the two-story property.

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The First Breach: Unusual Noises and Missing Items

The first breach occurred on June 23 at around 10 PM. when Mnangagwa, who was watching TV with his wife, called the police officers after hearing unusual noises from the ceiling.

The officers surveyed the house and the perimeter but found nothing suspicious. Mnangagwa called them again at around 11:50 PM, asking them to check the roof. There, officers found a bag containing some of the deputy minister’s possessions, including torn documents, two damaged Apple MacBook laptops and an iPad.

According to sources, Mnangagwa said all the items had been taken from his bedroom. He also reported that his 9mm Beretta pistol with 15 live cartridges and $500 cash were missing from the bag.

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Bizarre Acts in the Kitchen and Garage

In the kitchen, the intruder had retrieved a loaf of bread and dumped it near the door. In a final bizarre act, the intruder cut the driver’s headrest of Mnangagwa’s parked Land Rover Defender in the garage.

Police, including a canine unit, swarmed the property on June 24 but found no trace of the suspect or evidence of forced entry, ZimLive reported.

Then, just after 7:30 AM on June 26, Mnangagwa’s eight-year-old son went to his parents’ bedroom. As he was about to knock, he saw a live cartridge on the floor, prompting another call to the police.

Investigators found three cartridges within two meters of the door and another three on the lawn outside the property.

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