Gauteng DA Claims ANC Offered 2 Positions In Lesufi’s Cabinet After Requesting At Least 3

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng claims it was offered two portfolios in Premier Panyaza Lesufi’s 10-member executive after requesting at least three positions.

Disagreements over the division of power are understood to be the primary cause of the deadlock in negotiations.

On Monday, Lesufi postponed his Cabinet announcement at the eleventh hour after the DA and African National Congress (ANC) failed to find common ground.

DA chairperson in Gauteng, Solly Msimanga, explained that while the party demanded to head six committees in the legislature, the ANC only offered two.

“If we were taking three executive positions, we were expecting the ANC or other parties would be the chairpersons of those portfolios so that we are then able to play an oversight role. This is why we said we would take six committees instead of arguing for 15 or 16. That was accepted by them and then all of a sudden they came back to say they are giving us two.”

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