South Africa Tests Injecting Radioactive Material into Rhinos to Fight Poaching

A group of researchers in South Africa have injected radioactive material into the horns of 20 rhinos as part of a study they hope will lead to a novel solution for poaching. This method aims to use radiation detectors at national borders to catch traffickers. The process, which involves tranquilizing the rhinos, drilling their horns, and inserting a radioactive material, hopes to make it easier to intercept trafficked horns and, by extension, prevent the poaching of rhinos. If successful, the researchers hope the idea can be replicated in the protection of other endangered species like pangolins. While the project has received the support of many, there are some who doubt it will be effective. According to one of the critics, Pelham Jones of the Private Rhino Owners Association, poachers often bypass traditional border crossings so the possibility of intercepting them with the horns are low.


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