VP Chiwenga’s “Zvigananda” Speech Talk Explained – Eduzim News

VP Chiwenga’s “Zvigananda” Speech Talk Explained

By Jonathan Chando | In 1976, we maintained the military code and upheld the Ten Commandments “Nzira dzemasoja.” We had a slogan which said “Pasi nezvigananda!” literally translated to “down with bourgeoisies.” We also maintained a code never to praise or worship a commander or leader through slogans like “pamberi nanhingi.” We were steadily prosecuting the war of liberation under the command of the military committee of ZIPA, a unified force of ZANLA and ZIPRA.

When the nationalists came and hijacked the liberation struggle in 1977, they banned the slogan “Pasi nezvigananda,” introduced the praise slogan “Pamberi na Cde Robert Mugabe,” and they trashed “Nzira dzemasoja.” The nationalists disbanded the unified force of ZIPRA and ZANLA and caused division between ZANU and ZAPU.

That was the beginning of a neocolonial puppet regime transformation disguised as independence, led by nationalists who had been turned by the Rhodesian Special Branch and the British MI6.

They arrested the members of the military committee and intended to assassinate them all, save for Samora Machel, who told them that no cdes would be killed on his territory for disagreeing with each other. These commanders were incarcerated until 1980. They wanted to execute them like Tongogara and others had done to the Nhari and Badza group!- ZimEye

#Chiwengas #Zvigananda #Speech #Talk #Explained #ZimEye

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