SDC (School Development Committee) Conflict

SDC Conflict Essay

For a school to function properly there are numerous individuals or set of individuals which are involved but none of them stick out above the rest as School Development Committee and the school administration. Both these separate entities have a crucial role in the smooth running of educational institution. If these organisation do not work hand in hand with each other there is b The School Development Committee plays an important role in the school because it encourages parents to pay fees, presides over school infrastructure and resources, prepare school development plan and adopting the school annual budget. On the other hand, it is comprised of individuals which may lead to vandaters which impede their function, overlapping influence and incompetence of elected official due to lack of skills. The main thrust of this paper to discuss the role of School Development Committee and highlight that it is not a force of retrogression but a force of progress in the smooth running of school. The key terms to be defined are the School development committee and teaching practice.

Chivore (2000), defines School Development Committee as a legal body of person elected by the parents or guardians of the school to be responsible for the overall management of the school as an institution. Block and Hurt (2004), indicates that School Development Committee refers to any group that has responsibility for the running of the school, particularly as it applies to the school site, facilities and financial operations. It is safe to say that the SDC is a body or a board of individuals selected to be responsible for the overall management of the school as an institution.

Adivok (2006), suggests that the school development committee was established to ensure that parents played an active role in the education sector. Through the promulgation of statutory instrument of 1992 SDC`s gained legal foot hold as a cooperate board which is legible to be sued in its own name and capable for performing all duties that cooperate board may perform. This being so parents through the SDC began to actively participate in the administration of educational institution. It is composed of the school head, deputy head, senior teacher or a teacher, chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer, a responsible authority such as councillor for government schools to ensure transparency, accountability and effective management.


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