
Mandinka conflict with Sikasso

Mandinka conflict with Sikasso

At this moment when the French were in pursuit Samori was in conflict again with Tieba of Sikasso. In 1886…

11 months ago

Samori (Samourie) Toure’s Legacy

It the history of West Africa, Samori distinguishes himself as a leader who waged the longest war of resistance against…

11 months ago

Account for Samori Touré’s success in building the Mandinka Empire. Analyse its main political, economic and social features.

Samori built on foundations already laid by Dyula traders with whom he had close links; but his military skills, acquired…

11 months ago

Samori Toure and the rise of Mandinka

The establishment of Mandinka as an empire is an interesting history of a pure African entity that emerged as a…

11 months ago

Short History of Africa

This is a short history of Africa excluding Egypt, Ethiopia and (Dutch and British) South Africa, which are the subjects…

11 months ago