e)Provider- Mighty
-This is the confession of Faith.
-It is mentioned once in one’s lifetime.
– It gives a full membership either immediately dying or after birth.
-It contains the 6 Articles of Faith which are:
-This is the pillar of prayer.
-it is obligatory to everyone especially those who have reached the rational age.
-Pray 5times a day.
– The first prayer conducted before Dawn is called the Fajr.
– The second prayer must be offered during the midday is called Zuhr.
– The third prayer before the sunset is called Asr (starts soon after the second prayer.)
– The forth prayer starts at sunset and ends when twilight disappears from sun is called the Majhrib.
– The fifth prayer is done in the evening and end before Dawn is called Ishah.
– The Salat is done facing Mecca (pilgrimage and first altar built by Abraham and Ishamael (Ka’ba).
– Wudu is performed.
– Recitation of the first verses by the prayer leader the lmam .
– Different postures must be done.
* Purifies one’s soul.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Prevent one from sinning.
* Promotes illiteracy.
* Brings reverence from Allah.
* Improves the faith of the believer.
* Creates monotheism.
– it is obligatory and paid annually.
– it is a Thanksgiving charity.
– Any capable person is obligated to pay at least 2.5%.
– It is paid in form of money, livestock, minerals e.g Platinum and gold.
– The widows, orphans, prisoners , the new believers money used to build charity org and sponsor during wars like Jihad.
# Humanitarian services.
# Brings one closer to Allah.
# Purifies one’s wealth.
# Bridges the gap between the poor.
# Avoids one from being greedy.
# Brings the spirit of compassion towards brothers.
# Promotes oneness and unity.
– Known as the fasting pillar.
– It is obligatory.
– It is done on the 9th month on the Lunar Calendar known as the month of Ramadan.
– Fasting from morning to sunset.
– Abstain from food, drink ,sexual intercourse.
-During this time, they put the same type of clothes.
– Women on menstruation , pregnant, traveller , the elderly , children under the age of 12 are not allowed to fast.
* Prayers are answered.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Closer to Allah.
* Prevent one from sinning.
* Bridges the gap between the poor and rich as both are to experience the same hunger.
-lt is the pilgrimage to Mecca.
– It is a journey that is undertaken by one in his /her lifetime.
– Attended on the 12th month 5-6 day (THULHIJJAH)
– Women are to be accompanied by males to the Mecca.
– Acts of charity are done there.
– Throwing of pebbles at Jamurati pillars.
– Going around the Ka’ba for 7times.
– Slaughtering of the animal which is done in 3portions.
– The first portion sacrificed to Allah.
– The second one given to the poor.
– The third will eat.
* Humanitarian services.
* Economic benefits to the people of Mecca.
* History on the religion is maintained and passed down from one generation to another.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* One goes to paradise.
* Networking business.
– Shariah is an Islamic term which means law.
– it constitutes the bold of rules and laws.
– lt contains the punitive laws or disciplinary measures towards the offenders.
– Examples of the Shariah are derived from different sources which :
# Sunnah
# Hadith
# Quran /Koran
# Jurisprudence
# Mystism
# Shariah
Critically analyse the significance of the Shariah to a Muslim?
Legacy refers to the achievements of a person which are left behind for the next generation to benefit from.
The word Prophet comes from the Arabic word “Nabi” meaning the Messenger. A prophet in Islam therefore Is a Messenger of Allah.
A prophet is one who possess the following:
To a greater extent, Mohammed can be considered as a prophet . He is known as the last seal of the prophets in Islam , after him there is no other prophet to be recognized.
-Love is central in the Islamic religion. There are several ways in which love is demonstrated in Islam.
-These are duties that are given to each and every man to follow and they promote love.
-Love towards Allah and the Koran.
-A true Muslim is one who submit to Allah and love others.
– There are the deeds and activities of Prophet Muhammad.
– He loved his wives and was a generous person.
The Hajj also demonstrate brotherly love.
– There is no racial discrimination between the Muslim during the Hajj.
– The poor and the rich wil all converge.
Love is also expressed in Marriage between the husband ,wife and children.
-Even non-Muslims receive aid from the Muslim.
– Submitting to Allah.
-Worshiping Allah alone.
– Respecting the word of Allah which is the Koran.
– Teaching or encouraging other people to worship Allah.
– To recognize him as the last Prophet and the seal of the prophets.
– To follow up the teachings of Prophet Muhammad which are in the Sunnah and Hadith.
-Respecting his name by saying (PBUH) Peace Be Upon Him.
– To love their wives.
– Provide financial and physical needs.
-Give moral support when the wife is sick by doing household chores.
-The husband is supposed to beat the wife for insubordination.
-Respect the husband and be submissive.
-Forgive the little mistakes of the husband.
-Provide moral support.
-Submission to the religion of the husband.
iii) Children to Parents.
-Respect the parents and not to call them names during old age.
-Be helpful to the parents.
-Give support to their parents.
-Give their children good meaningful names.
-Provide their financial and physical needs.
-Nurturing the children in the word or ways of Allah
-Keep the children away from drugs, alcohol , lying , back biting and gossiping.
– Promotes or encourage the children to follow the religion.
-Arrange their marriages into good families.
-Lend to your neighbour when in need
-Visit them in hospital when they are not well.
-Attend funeral prayers.
-Do not build a house that is higher than that of your neighbour.
-Do not cook food with a smell that will affect your neighbour.
-Avoid back biting your neighbour.
-Visit your relatives.
They are also supposed to show love towards the environment by:
Definition of Ethical Principles is principles which guides the moral behaviour of the Muslim.
Sources of Ethics.
-It is the Holy Book that involves the direct word of Allah.
–It is divine, heavenly, sacred and authentic & considered to be miracle.
– Laws concerning the good governance.
-The activities and the behaviors of Prophet Muhammad which is adopted by the Muslim e.g the concept of Marriage.
-Consists of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad e.g Muhammad was asked who should be respected the most between the father and the mother and he answered that the mother should be respected the most .
– Legal system of Islam which consists of laws of punishments.
– The beliefs, ideas or thoughts , a doctrine of direct communication.
A doctrine of direct communication.
– Laws in Islam.
Candidates should write about the ethics.There should be the respect of :
Discuss the status of Women in Islam.
Some Islamic states are so strict that they do not promote or want to see women in leadership e.g Nigerian State, Lesotho state
-Offers free accredited diploma in Arabic language.
-It gives food to the less privileged Muslims
-Offers inter-religions dialogue to foster core-existence.
-Has 3 high schools in Zimbabwe
-Gives aid to the needy.
-Has at least four primary schools
-Offers counseling, consultants
-Offers education
-Charity to the needy.
-Offers construction and developments.
-Focus on Islamic dietry.
-Do charity works for the Muslims and non-Muslims.
-Offers rural education and rural humanitarian aid.
-Offers education
-Offers youth empowerment
-Youth dialogue and empowerment
-Offers ARVs
-Health Care facility
-Offers women empowerment
-humanitarian services offered
Explain the Islamic Concept of Good Governance.
-A chapter found in the Quran/Koran which contains the teachings on how leaders must behave.
b)A leader who fears and respect Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
c)The Caliph /Caphtor
-A King is selected by a Caliph /Caphtor.
e)An Honesty leader.
i)Not a tyrannical ruler
-Allah loveth not aggressors
j)A consultant leader.
Candidates are required to list the weakness or problems associated with the Islamic Concept of Governance
-In some Islamic states, the leadership is usually a Monarchy.
-The way the Monarchy is selected is not democratic.
b)Sometimes the Monarchy has absolute powers which can prevent the participation of people or the freedom of choice or will.
c)Most Islamic leaders during the Slave Trade in Africa, they promoted Slave Trade which undermined the right to life.
d)The Mandinka State had a King who had absolute power.
e)Some leaders can be tyrannical rulers interested in wars e.g the Jihadists.
-Al-Amana represents good governance or faithful leadership.
Jihad means to strive ,to struggle for the good cause of Allah. -Any struggle in life which is aimed at producing something good is a Jihad. Jihad is not only limited to war for there are various kinds of Jihad.
-This is when one strives to know and do the will of Allah .
-To put into action all Allah’s teachings .
*In the verbal this is when one seeks justice through words and non-Violent actions.
*Muhammad encouraged Muslim to demand justice in the name of Allah.
*When he was asked ,”What kind of Jihad was better?” and he replied ,”A word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler”. This means that verbal jihad is supposed to be used in order to seek justice.
Physical military Jihad is permitted in the Quran as Muslim are allowed to enter into war in order to promote their rights and justice.
They are Jihadists who engage in suicide bomb attacks e.g Boko Haram, Mandinka State, Osama Bin Laden etc.
b)The idea of men being allowed to beat up women especially their wives.
b)Their greetings when they meet Al-Salam-Alei-Kum as they will be saying Allah himself is a God of peace.
Evaluate the importance of Jihad (Holy war)
-This is an idea of trying to solve issues, disputes, conflicts using non-violent means.
-Islam has moved from a stage of employing violent means to solve their disputes.
-There are several methods or modes of conflict transformation has been adopted by Muslims for example:
*Peace treaties
*Settling in courts
There are two broad theories surrounding the origins of prophecy in Ancient in Israel. Thus this is a contested debate among scholars. Some say prophecy originated as a borrowed phenomenon from the ANE whereby the other say prophecy in Israel was unique. Greatly the first borrowed theory was supported by stories and evidence of different legends taken from the ANE. Basing on the unique theory; it was subdivided into theories like evolutionary and traditional theories explaining the origins of prophecy supported by Biblical evidence. However it is important to note that these theories have got their weaknesses and strengths. Much of this will be outlined below.
Firstly, the origins of prophecy in Israel were greatly based on external sources. This is because there are features of prophecy that are similar to that of Israelite prophecy observed in the ANE. According to J.Pritchard; prophecy in Israel was borrowed. This is evidenced by the legend of Wen- Amon. A certain youth experienced ecstasy on arrival of Wen Amon to look for timber to built a Temple for his God. It is believed the Youth summoned the Prince of Mesopotamia to accept the request of Wen Amon in ecstasy state. Thus scholars concluded prophecy was borrowed in the ANE as seen in the youth who experienced ecstasy, forth tell as well as had prophetic authority similar to Israelite prophecy. However this theory is seen as biased. Basing on ecstasy which is seen as a feature of false prophecy not true prophecy.Thus discrediting the theory.
Moreover, Prophecy in Israel is as a borrowed phenomenon. This is supported by the features that were observed in the prophets of the ANE. These prophetic type persons are believed to have been called seers and man of God as given by Mari Texts which is also similar in Israelite prophecy. For instance, Samuel and Gad were called a seer whereas Elijah was referred to as the man of God. Thus basing on this prophecy was borrowed. However it is a religious blunder to ignore that although there are these features. From the ANE evidence, there is not enough data, bareground on the prophetic type persons which is different from Israel. Thus discredits this theory.
Furthermore, The evidence seen taken from the surrounding areas proved prophecy as a borrowed phenomenon. Taking into account the legend of Zimri- Lim. The King of Mesopotamia was given a message from a god by a seer in the form of an oracle in which the seer had experienced ecstasy. This oracle reviewed that the King was given the throne by the deity. Basing from this evidence of prophetic activity, these were also similar features of prophecy in Israel, that is ecstasy, the title seer, the oracles form and in content. Adding more, In Israel, prophets always confirmed that kings were given a throne by Yahweh similar and as done in the ANE. Therefore, this shows prophecy in Israel was borrowed from the ANE. However, this evidenced faces criticism. This is because from this legend, there is not enough information to explain the origins of prophecy, even so in Israel prophets advocated for monotheism which was different to the ANE. Thus discrediting the borrowed theory.
To supplement, the origins of prophecy had also been based on the unique theory. Supported by Biblical evidence and scholars. In this case prophecy was born in Israel and had no foreign origins. The evolutionary sub theory support this debate. It is believed the office of a prophet evolved from that of a seer as in 1 Samuel 9 vs 9. This thus had provided conclusions that prophecy was born in Israel with Samuel. Adding on, the emergence of a monarchy led to the rise of prophecy in the time of of Samuel. Therefore in this case, prophecy was unique in Israel. However it is not fair to ignore the fact that some prophets in Israel were also called prophets at the same time as seers. This gives scholars a base for debating on the different use of those titles between Samuel and Gad. Adding more, it has been whether Samuel originated with prophecy as his rise was also supported by the downfall of Eli priesthood. Thus discredits the theory.
Striking forward to the destination, the Uniqueness of prophecy in Israel is also based on the traditional theory. This is when basing this on the case of covenants.God communicated his covenants to the people of Israel through prophets. Prophets were messengers of Yahweh. Taking into consideration Moses, on Mount Sinai.
The characteristics of speaking to the people as well as passing the message of Yahweh and his commands is tangible evidence from the Bible that prophecy in Israel was unique. However this theory is strongly criticized. This is so because there are so many traditions in the Bible on covenants and most of them are not linked to prophecy. This thus creates a question why? Adding more, Mount Sinai is also called Kadesh and is said to be a cultic centre of Moses uncle in law. This also gives a debate on the origins of prophecy on this Mount as it is associated to many traditions. Thus discredit the unique theory.
In a nutshell, it is clear from the above discussion that the origins of prophecy in Israel is a contested terrain basing on that prophecy was greatly borrowed as well as the unique theory taking into account the above analysis. However, it is important to note, that theories have got their strength and weaknesses as the justice given to the above essay.
* Mark 76%*
Comment, a well balanced essay , fair introduction and a focused essay.
Samuel lived in a time of radical change, and was at the centre of it, so candidates might make some of the following judgments:
Some might argue that Samuel was as responsible as Elijah for preserving prophecy. The rise of the monarchy can be seen as a political necessity in response to the Philistine threat. Israel might have ceased to be a nation had the Philistines conquered their territories, in which case Yahweh worship would have ceased also, so Samuel’s actions ensured the survival of both Yahwism and Yahweh-prophets. A case is sometimes made for Elijah as the first ‘real’ prophet in connection with the threat from Jezebel and Baal-prophets. Credit all attempts at reasoning in connection with the question.
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