
Mazvokuda kufa namaronda enyora

Mazvokuda kufa namaronda enyora.

English Direct Translation 

Death is wilful (if) it is (caused) by tattoo marks.


  1. Mazvokuda kurumwa nechokudongorera. (It is one’s own wish to be bitten if one is (inquisitively) peeping.)
  2. Mazvokuda kurumwa nechokuchera. (-chera: dig)
  3. Mazvokuda kukangira nyimo muruoko. (kanga: fry; nyimo: bambara groundnuts)
  4. Afa namaronda enyora haachemwi. (One who dies of tattoo marks is not mourned)

Shona Explanation 

Pamunhu anowira mungozi kana kufa nechinhu chokuzvisarudzira achida, vanhu havamunzwiri tsitsi.

English Explanation 

The tragic outcome of a foolhardy act wins no sympathy. For instance, if a man is killed at a beer party which he was told not to attend, little sympathy will be expressed at his death. 

Mupanje wekunze unodzivirira iri mukati.

English Direct Translation

The outer ridge (of a field) guards those inside.


Mupanje wekunze unodzivirira wemukati.


Rega kureva vokwako novokunze nokuti izvi zvinoratidza kusanzwanana kwenyu. Hama inovhikirira wokwayo paya paanenge oiswa munjodzi kana kuti paanenge achirehwa. Iyi tsumo inorevawo kuti ishe kana kuti mubereki ndiye anodzivirira vana vake panguva yenjodzi.


Don’t reveal family quarrels or secrets to outsiders. Otherwise people might take advantage of it to the detriment of your family. The proverb can also refer to a guardian, chief or parent whose duty it is to protect his people against intruders.


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