Get Paid for essays you Nailed (A Level – Zimbabwe)

Hello guys, We need content to add on this site! I am paying for Essays ( only those you nailed!) and Notes(Really good notes) in the following subjects($1 for an essay/notes with 500 words minimum):

History (Tropical African History Notes, Essays), FRS (Notes,Essays), Literature (Essays, Poem analysis, novels etc), Isindebele (Books – novels, Notes, Essays), Agriculture (Notes)

  1. You are going to upload a Word Document Here(Fill the form below).
  2. We will review your document within 24 hours. If it passes our selection criteria,
  3. We will get in touch and pay you.
  4. If it does not pass our selection criteria, you will not hear from us. Try another document.

Selection Criteria:

1. Your notes/essays must be in Word document format. For Isindebele books, you can send pdf but only via whatsapp – T – Titus

2. No plagiarised content!!!!!!!!!

3. Only send essays you passed. Don’t waste your time sending poorly written essays, they won’t make it.