The Maji Maji Uprising of 1905-7 was a post pacification primary resistance. This means the Africans in Tanganyika were resisting an already established German colonial rule. This was an active resistance against GEAC .(GERMAN EAST AFRICA COMPANY) 20 Ethnic groups involved in this revolt include Zaramo, Matumbi ,Ngindo, Ngoni and the Pogoro. Some groups decided to collaborate with whites for example-Hehe, the Mahenge and chief Mpepo . They had unique reasons for collaborating with GEAC. Tanganyikans were resisting against colonial exploitation, policies and administration. This revolt was led by Kinjikitile Ngwale of the Hongo spirit and traditional leaders from various ethnic groups.

Causes of the Maji Maji Uprising

  • Influence of Kinjikitile Ngwale
  • Burning of shrines and sacred huts
  • Forced labour
  • Forced growing of cash crops
  • Taxation
  • Revenge of Boma massacre
  • Chabruma personal cause
  • Loss of independence
  • Kings lost power
  • Loss of land
  • Use of colonial agents such as Akidas and Jumbes

Forced Labour

  • The German East Africa Company was a Charted Company
  • This company wanted to make maximum profit through exploitation of labour.
  • The Company wanted to produce legitimate products like cotton to supply home manufacturing textile industries.
  • The GEAC also needed labour force to develop infrastructure like roads rail bridges
  • as stipulated at the Berlin West Africa Congress.
  • The Africans were forced to work in cotton plantations, road and rail construction.
  • Whites established cotton, coffee and sisal plantations.
  • The Africans were made to work for long hours and received low wages.
  • They were brutally treated by Akidas and Jumbes in these economic centres.

Forced Growing of cash Crops

  • The Africans were forced to grow cash crops such cotton ,coffee, and sisal.
  • They were forced to abandon their small shambaas and grow cotton for example in Matumbi area.
  • They wanted cash crops to supply home manufacturing industries.
  • The African were against the idea of producing cash crops whilst their crops were rotting in the fields.
  • The whites dictated the prices of these cash crops.
  • They bought African cash crops at very low prices and sold them in Europe at a much higher price in order to make maximum profit.
  • Because Africans concentrated on cash crop production starvation and famine was common.
  • This then led Africans to revolt against GEAC.


  • Africans were forced to pay taxes.
  • These taxes were paid either in cash or in kind.
  • They used beeswax and or ivory as tax payment.
  • German East Africa company demanded taxes for two reasons: 1.they wanted money to establish as signs of effective occupation such as roads rail, bridges and infrastructure. The company did want to incur costs, hence they decided to forward operation costs to Africans. 2.Taxation was an indirect way of forcing Africans to work for them since Africans had challenges in getting money to pay taxes.
  • In a bid to find money to pay taxes Africans ended up seeking employment in plantations.
  • Africans also resisted brutality ruthlessness associated with collection of these taxes.

Influence of spirit Mediums

  • Kinjikitile Ngwale of the Hongo spirit influenced the Matumbi and Ngindo areas to revolt against the GEAC.
  • He was possessed by Kolelo snake cult and was known for witchcraft eradication.
  • The German government in collaboration with the Gernman missionaries burnt sacred huts or shrines.
  • This did not go well with kinjikitile who saw this new religion by German missionaries as a threat to traditional religion.
  • Kinjikitile mixed water and millet and encouraged locals to receive Maji water which was supposed to act as a bullet proof.
  • Locals who received Maji water from Ngalambe had the courage to face the Germans in battle as they were assured of protection by Maji magical waters.

Chabruma personal cause

  • Chabruma was a Ngoni chief.
  • One of his wives was seduced by a Ngoni man.
  • The Ngoni man aware of his judgment sought protection at a German Boma.
  • Chabruma requested the Germans to hand over the culprit so that he could punish him.
  • The Germans refused to hand over the culprit.
  • Chabruma returned home and brought his clan to punish the Germans for refusing to hand over the culprit and giving him protection.

Burning of sacred huts

  • Germans encouraged by christian missionaries burnt sacred huts and shrines.
  • They used the argument that these shrines were havens of witch craft.
  • This did not go well with Africans who believed that these shrines protected them from diseases, brought bumber harvests and rains.
  • Burning of these shrines was tempering with African religion.

Use of akidas and Jumbes

  • Akidas and Jumbes were colonial agents.
  • Akidas were Arab Swahili who were known for their cruelty.
  • They were used by Germans as their agents.
  • Jumbes were local chiefs who were used as German puppets serving interest of the German at the expense of their people.
  • Both Jumbes and Akidas were made to keep some of the taxes collected as their payment.
  • The Akidas and Jumbes were employed as tax collectors, foreman in plantations and law enforcement agents or police.
  • These agents were hated for abusing their powers.
  • For example they raped Ngindo women,extortioned /charged more taxes than demanded by GEAC .
  • They were very brutal in dealing with Africans in farms especially when collecting these taxes.

Loss of Land

  • The GEAC as a chartered company that was interested in making profits.
  • The company embarked on cotton program.
  • This program was going to be possible after obtaining land.
  • They took fertile land from the Masaai people.
  • The Masaai were forced into arid regions.
  • So taking of fertile lands was on grievance of the Masaai and Pogoro.

King lost power status and independence

  • The Ngoni kings lost their economic independence.
  • They were no longer allowed to raid or collect tribute from their neighboring and tributary states.
  • The Ngoni kings lost the power to allocate land and settle disputes to GEAC and their agents.
  • They were no longer allowed to conduct slave trade.
  • So Ngoni detested the loss of their economic and political independence.

Revenge of the Boma massacre

  • Germans invited Ngoni chiefs, elders, herd man for a meeting at their Boma.
  • They started harassing the Ngoni and beating these elders.
  • The group resisted harassment and provocation.
  • This resulted in the GEAC opening fire killing over 400 Ngoni men.
  • This event is remembered as the the Boma Massacre of 1897.
  • The Ngoni the uprising was also influenced by their need to revenge the death of their elders at a German Boma.


  • In conclusion, the Maji Maji was caused by political, social and economic reasons.
  • This revolt was resistance against exploitation by GEAC, colonial policies and administration.
  • This revolt is a typical example of post pacification primary resistance.
  • This primary resistance was active and took up arms against GEAC.
  • Traditional and religious leaders led and influenced this revolt in Tanganyika.
  • The people were united by similar grievances and other groups had peculiar reasons for revolting against the GEAC.

Practice questions

  • To what extent was the Maji Maji revolt of 1905-7 as a result of German exploitation. (25 marks)
  • “The Maji Maji revolt of 1905-7 was caused by economic reasons” Discuss .(25 marks)
  • “ A revolt against colonial administration and German policies” How far true is this verdict in the light of the Maji Maji revolt in1905-7.(25marks)
  • Why did people in Tanganyika wage a war against the Germans in 1905-7.(25marks)
  • “The revolt of 1905 against GEAC was driven by varied reasons peculiar to a particular ethnic group. How far true is this verdict.?