Moving to the cloud creates numerous opportunities to start working in a new way and it empowers the workforce to better collaborate and innovate. But it’s also a big change. Sometimes the success of the change hinges not on the change itself, but on how it’s managed.
This course will help people managers to understand some of the key challenges associated with cloud adoption, and provide them with a verified in-the-field framework that will assist them in supporting their teams on the change journey. By addressing the human factor of moving to the cloud, organizations increase their chances of realizing business objectives and investing in their future talent.
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Quiz 1: Why Organizations Move to the Cloud
Q1. Video rental stores used to be the most popular way to watch a movie at home, but streaming video forced many of them out of business. What is the concept where an innovation displaces established market-leading firms and products?
- Unsettlement
- Disruption
- Displacement
- Retardation
Q2. Businesses are looking to use the latest technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences. What term is used to describe this phenomenon?
- Digital restructuring
- Technological transformation
- Digital transformation
- Technological remodelling
Quiz 2: Challenges of Moving to the Cloud
Q1. Everett Rogers divided people into five groups that embrace change at a different stage during a deployment. Which group of people tend to be resistant to change, because they like things exactly as they are?
- Innovators
- Early adopters
- Late majority
- Laggards
Q2. Research by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross on the stages of grief has been adapted and used to understand organizational change in the workplace. Which stage leaves people at the lowest point on the change curve?
- Shock
- Denial
- Frustration
- Depression
Quiz 3: Managing the Change
Q1. Your organization is rolling out a new Google Cloud project. In order to promote the deployment, your manager asks if you will take on the role of ‘Cloud Champion’ to advocate the technology to your colleagues. Which epic in the Google Cloud Adoption Framework relates to this initiative?
- Sponsorship
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Behaviors
- People Operations
Q2. As part of a new Google Cloud implementation, your organization’s leadership team has rolled out a new performance management process and incentive structure to ensure that the workforce is motivated to execute their new responsibilities and behaviors. Which epic in the Google Cloud Adoption Framework relates to this initiative?
- Sponsorship
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Behaviors
- People Operations
Quiz 4: The Cloud Maturity Journey
Q1. Company A has cloud training goals that require individuals to complete formal role-specific cloud training assessments on a periodic basis. Their Cloud COE has evolved into an operating model consisting of fully autonomous and cross-functional teams with experts across all necessary technology and process domains. Most of their project teams use automation for cloud services provisioning. They also have fully centralized identity management policies and audit procedures with fully automated enforcement. Where is Company A in its cloud maturity journey?
- Tactical phase
- Strategic phase
- Transformational phase
Q2. Company B has no formal cloud training goals defined. They do not have any cloud-focused teams, and their current teams remain siloed by function based on current on-premises role definitions. Their cloud services are provisioned with limited scripting, and there are no formal standards or consistency in how scripting is implemented across project teams. They also have no organization-wide identity management policies and enforcement to validate compliance. Where is Company B in its cloud maturity journey?
- Tactical phase
- Strategic phase
- Transformational phase
Q3. Company C has cloud training goals that are consistently tracked and reported at a corporate level. They have a formal cross-functional cloud team to provide foundational support to teams operating in the cloud. Their cloud services are provisioned via automation for the full lifecycle, but this is not consistent across all project teams. They also have organization-wide identity management policies and audit and enforcement procedures. Where is Company C in its cloud maturity journey?
- Tactical phase
- Strategic phase
- Transformational phase
Quiz 5: The Evolution of People-Focused Epics
Q1. You’re working in an organization where communication usually comes from the top-down within each team. Key information and data is shared within the team but not cross-functionally and this results in siloed conversations across the organization. With regard to the communication epic, at what phase of their cloud journey is your organization operating?
- Tactical phase
- Strategic phase
- Transformational phase
Q2. You’re working in an organization where error budgets and blameless postmortems are well implemented and part of regular ways of working. With regard to the behaviors epic, at what phase of their cloud journey is your organization operating?
- Tactical phase
- Strategic phase
- Transformational phase
Quiz 6: Five Common Cloud Change Paths
Q1. An organization opts for a more tactical strategy by leveraging the cloud just to modernize their infrastructure layer instead of building cloud-native applications. Which cloud change path are they following?
- “Move” first and then “Change”
- Just “Move”
- “Invent” in greenfield
- “Invent” in brownfield
Q2. An online shop is building a whole infrastructure and application in the cloud to support their new ecommerce platform. They are also setting up a Cloud Center of Excellence comprising employees who can experiment and document the new ways of working, scaling, and advocating best practices. Which cloud change path are they following?
- “Move” first and then “Change”
- Just “Move”
- “Invent” in greenfield
- “Invent” in brownfield
Quiz 7: The Google Cloud Change Management Methodology
Q1. One of the activities required during a change project is to identify stakeholder groups and key individuals who will be impacted by the change and analyze critical stakeholders and their level of commitment to the project. In which phase of the Google Cloud Change Management Methodology should this activity take place?
- Assess
- Plan
- Deploy
- Optimize
Q2. An organization going through a change project will need to create a stakeholder engagement, communication, and training plan. Google will work with the organization to create a list of appropriate tactics to onboard each stakeholder group and mitigate change effects. In which phase of the Google Cloud Change Management Methodology should this activity take place?
- Assess
- Plan
- Deploy
- Optimize
Q3. During one phase of the Google Cloud Change Management Methodology, an organization will work with a Google partner to define metrics and key performance indicators for long-term success. During which phase should this activity take place?
- Assess
- Plan
- Deploy
- Optimize
I hope this Managing Change when Moving to Google Cloud Coursera Quiz Answers would be useful for you to learn something new from the Course. If it helped you, don’t forget to bookmark our site for more Quiz Answers.
This course is intended for audiences of all experiences who are interested in learning about new skills in a business context; there are no prerequisite courses.
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