When she realizes that Donald now has eyes for Lucetta she accepts it and moves on with her life. This is a sign of strength considering that she now regarded Lucetta as her friend,
When Henchard discovers that she is not his daughter, he becomes cold and harsh towards her. She is patient with him and continues to stand by him, even when he embarrasses her at the welcoming of the royals.
4. Mr Newson
Before he buys Susan and Elizabeth, he first asks them if they want to come with him. ’tis quite on the understanding that the young woman is willing, I wouldn’t hurt her feelings for the world.(page 9).
He fakes his death with the intention of returning after a few months for his daughter.
5.Donald Farfrae
Even after Henchard has done so many bad things to him, he is able to forgive him and does all in his power to help him get back to his feet including offering him furniture from his old house.
He makes an impression on Henchard who later makes him manager. He wins over the favor of the townspeople over Henchard this later sees him being appointed as Mayor. He is also able to win Lucetta’s love and Elizabeth’s affection. but that something about the young man- that hyperborean crispness, stringency, and charm, as of a well-braced musical instrument, which had awakened the interest of Henchard, and of Elizabeth-Jane, and of the Three Mariners’ jovial crew, at sight(Page122).
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