“A Doll’s House” is a play written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879 that is considered a masterpiece of world literature. It tells the story of Nora Helmer, a wife and mother who lives in the suburbs of Norway, and her struggles to break free from the constraints of societal expectations and traditional gender roles.


One major theme of the play is the role of women in society and their struggle for independence and self-determination. Throughout the play, Nora is portrayed as a “doll” who is expected to be submissive and obedient to her husband, Torvald. She is trapped in a loveless marriage and is unable to be her true self until she ultimately decides to leave her husband at the end of the play.


Another major theme is the nature of marriage and the importance of mutual love, trust and understanding in a relationship. The play shows the characters’ marriages as lacking in trust and true love which leads to the unraveling of Nora’s relationship with her husband.


The theme of identity and self-discovery is also present in the play. Nora’s discovery of her own identity and self-worth is a process that takes place over the course of the play, and is ultimately shown as a key element for her freedom and self-determination.


The play also explores the power of money and how it can be used for control in relationships, and the consequences it can bring. The play also touches on the theme of debt, and the weight it has on individuals and their relationships.


Lastly, “A Doll’s House” also reflects on the role of society in shaping the individual, and how societal expectations can affect choices and play a large role in shaping people’s identity.


Overall, “A Doll’s House” is a powerful play that delves into themes of gender roles, societal expectations, and th