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Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Guns and Gun Violence in America

Q1. About how many people died from gun violence in 2017?

  • Nearly 4,000
  • Nearly 40,000
  • Nearly 400,000

Q2. Which makes up the majority of gun deaths in America?

  • Homicide
  • Suicide
  • Accidental shootings

Q3. Which type of gun is the most commonly owned in America?

  • Rifle
  • Shotgun
  • Handgun/pistol

Q4. From which region of the country are the majority of guns stolen?

  • South
  • Midwest
  • West
  • Northeast

Q5. Having a gun in the home increases the risk of homicide.

  • True
  • False

Q6. Rates of overall suicide are higher in states with higher gun ownership.

  • True
  • False

Q7. Rates of non-firearm suicides are higher in states with higher gun ownership.

  • True
  • False

Q8. The vast majority of people who survive a suicide attempt DO NOT go on to die by suicide.

  • True
  • False

Q9. Which of the following statements about civilian gun ownership and use is NOT true:

  • White males are more likely than other demographic groups to own firearms
  • The Northeastern United States has the lowest rate of firearm ownership
  • Most gun owners own their guns for hunting purposes
  • Residents of rural areas are more likely to own guns than residents of urban areas

Q10. Which of the following statements about guns used in crimes is true?

  • Almost every gun used in a crime was originally manufactured and sold legally
  • Straw purchases are gun purchases from a private seller
  • Guns are most often stolen from individuals who only own one or two guns
  • The underground gun market is completely separate from the legal gun market

Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change Week 02 Quiz Answers

Q1. Which key piece of federal gun legislation created the National Instant Criminal Background Check System?

  • The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
  • Firearm Owners Protection Act
  • Protection of Lawful Commerce and Arms Act
  • Gun Control Act of 1968

Q2. Broadly, what did the majority in DC v. Heller rule was protected as it relates to gun policy?

  • The right to own handguns in the home
  • The right to own guns for any purpose
  • The right to carry firearms outside the home
  • Nothing was protected

Q3. The Dickey Amendment prohibits researching gun violence.

  • True
  • False

Q4. How many states currently have CAP laws?

  • 5 states and District of Columbia
  • 18 states and District of Columbia
  • 32 states and District of Columbia
  • All states and District of Columbia

Q5. State domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs) are more effective when they cover more victims.

  • True
  • False

Q7. What percent of those who commit homicide with a firearm were under the influence of alcohol at the time?

  • 34%
  • 25%
  • 42%
  • 51%

Q7. Why do state governments tend to enact more firearm legislation than the federal government?

  • Unlike the federal government, state governments are not limited by the Second Amendment
  • It is often easier to overcome political challenges at the state level
  • The federal government is limited by the Dickey Amendment
  • State gun laws preempt federal gun laws

Q8. Litigation is often used as a public health strategy. Why is this strategy often an ineffective approach for gun violence?

  • The Tiahrt Amendment protects gun owners from lawsuits
  • Most lawsuits brought against the gun industry are dismissed because of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
  • Firearm litigation is handled by administrative agencies
  • The Second Amendment protects gun sellers from litigation

Q9. A previous conviction for a violent misdemeanor is a known risk factor for future acts of violence.

  • True
  • False

Q10. Courts have used the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller to strike down many state and federal firearm laws.

  • True
  • False

Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change Week 03 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Evidence-Based Policies to Prevent Gun Violence Quiz

Q1. Mental illness contributes significantly to interpersonal violence.

  • True
  • False

Q2. Mental illness contributes significantly to suicide.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Extreme risk protection orders focus on a person’s mental health diagnosis when determining who should have a firearm temporarily removed.

  • True
  • False

Q4. What is the best predictor of future violent behavior?

  • Past violence
  • Mental illness
  • Substance use
  • Childhood victimizatio

Q5. All states require background checks for private sales.

  • True
  • Fals

Q6. All states require waiting periods for gun sales.

  • True
  • False

Q9. Which of the following is an effective method to encourage gun dealers change their behaviors to avoid or reduce diversion of firearms for criminal use?

  • Increased sanctions (criminal and/or financial)
  • Warning letters
  • Inventory storage requirements

Q8. All state universal background check laws require purchasers to acquire a license or permit to purchase.

  • True
  • False

Q9. Which policies have been shown to reduce both firearm homicides and suicide?

  • Comprehensive background checks
  • Licensing requirements
  • Waiting period

Q10. There is a strong body of research demonstrating the effectiveness of purchaser licensing laws. Which of these is NOT an observed effect of these laws:

  • Reductions in firearm suicide
  • Reductions in firearm homicide
  • Lower rates of guns diverted for criminal use
  • All of the above are observed effects of purchaser licensing laws

Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Guns in Public Places, Schools, and Homes Quiz

Q1. Rank the following standards for concealed carry laws from highest to lowest: permitless, may issue, shall issue:

  • Permitless, may issue, shall issue
  • Shall issue, may issue, permitless
  • May issue, shall issue, permitless

Q2. The majority of concealed carry laws are _____.

  • Permitless
  • Shall issue
  • May issue

Q3. All states that require training in order to receive a permit to carry a concealed firearm require applicants to demonstrate that they can make appropriate decisions about when to use their guns.

  • True
  • False

Q4. Right to carry laws are associated with more crime and violence.

  • True
  • False

Q5. What have been some impacts of Stand Your Ground laws ? [select all that apply]

  • Increases in homicides and firearm homicides
  • Decreases in homicides and firearm homicides
  • Increases in civilian gun carrying
  • Decreases in civilian gun carrying

Q6. What percent of mass shootings occurred in gun-free zones?

  • 12%
  • 42%
  • 72%

Q7. Which of the following are devices for safe firearm storage? [check all that apply]

  • Trigger lock
  • Firearm safe
  • High shelf
  • Cable lock
  • All of the above

Q8. Which of the statements below are true?

  • Individuals who hold licenses to carry concealed firearms outside the home commit violent crimes at a rate much lower than the average civilian.
  • Shall Issue concealed carry laws are associated with increased rates of violent crime.
  • Civilians armed with firearms very rarely stop mass shootings.
  • All of the above
  • None of the abov

Q9. In most states with shall issue concealed carry laws, you must first pass a safety test demonstrating you can safely handle a firearm and accurately shoot a firearm.

  • True
  • False

Q10. If I have a valid concealed carry license in my state of residence, where can I carry my concealed gun?

  • Only in my state of residence
  • In my state of residence plus any state with the same type of concealed carry law
  • In my state of residence and in any state that has agreed to recognize my state’s licenses
  • In any state—all states recognize all valid concealed carry licenses

Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change Week 05 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Regulating Gun Design, Enforcing Gun Laws, and Reducing Police-Involved Shootings Quiz

Q1. What makes a magazine “large capacity”?

  • It can accept larger bullets
  • Most states with restrictions on the capacity of ammunition feeding devices define large capacity as the ability to hold more than 10 rounds
  • Larger than 10 inches

Q2. Assault weapons are used in the majority of gun crimes.

  • True
  • Fals

Q3. What is the purpose of ballistics technology?

  • To link a cartridge with a known gun or to link a cartridge to another cartridge at a different crime scene
  • To reduce the number of victims in a shooting
  • To ensure the safe handling and storage of a firearm

Q4. What is proactive gun law enforcement?

  • Investigating licensed gun shops
  • Using ballistics to track crime guns
  • Activity that occurs before a shooting or a crime to determine if an individual unlawfully has a firearm

Q5. What are two possible harms of proactive gun law enforcement? [select two]

  • Racial profiling
  • Overly broad use of stop, question, and frisk
  • Declines in gun shop sales

Q6. What is focused deterrence?

  • An intervention to target offender groups and their networks to show that punishment is going to occur for those who engage in violence; crime is prevented through the threat of punishment and through offering encouragement and assistance to high-risk individuals to move them away from violence.
  • Targeting problematic gun shops.
  • Using litigation to deter the manufacturer of high-powered firearms

Q7. What are the top anticipated outcomes of focused deterrence? [select all that apply]

  • Declines in gun violence
  • Denormalization of violence
  • Violence displaced to other neighborhoods
  • Improvement of police-community relation

Q8. What are some challenges to the federal background check system? [select two]

  • The requirement only applies to some licensed dealers
  • Missing records
  • Compliance/enforcement
  • Protection of private health records

Q9. What is a potential unintended consequence of personalized guns?

  • Decline in gun ownership
  • More adult suicides if personalized guns results in increased exposure to firearms through expanded gun ownership
  • Increase in the number of guns sold in underground marke

Q10. Which of the following statements about domestic violence dispossession is TRUE?

  • All states require police to remove firearms from anyone subject to a domestic violence restraining order
  • The dispossession is temporary, and states have a process for returning guns to their owners
  • Extreme risk protection orders are for only the most serious cases of domestic violence
  • Police officers make the ultimate decision about whether to issue a domestic violence restraining order

Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change Week 06 Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Community and Clinical Interventions to Prevent Gun Violence and Public Support for Gun Policy Quiz

Q1. Which of the following are core components of the Cure Violence model? [select all the apply]

  • Detecting and interrupting conflicts
  • Analyzing data to ensure proper implementation
  • Using credible messengers to establish trust and change social norms
  • Working closely with police to identify potential shooters

Q2. The majority of individuals who have suicidal thoughts will die by suicide.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Around what percent of those attempting suicide with a gun will die?

  • 85 – 90%
  • 5 – 10%
  • 25 – 30%
  • 60 – 65%

Q4., What are gun shop projects?

  • Programs that allow gun owners to temporarily store guns at a gun shop during high-risk periods
  • Partnerships between suicide prevention professionals and gun shops seeking to educate firearm owners about suicide risk factors and reducing access to lethal means.
  • Training courses designed to help gun shop owners identify suicidal customers, so they can report them to police
  • Programs in which gun shops hire mental health professionals to work with customers in the store

Q5. Most gun owners do not support requiring a background check system for all gun sales.

  • True
  • Fals

Q6. Gun owners and non-gun-owners show similar levels of support for banning military-style, semi-automatic assault weapons.

  • True
  • False

Q7. Which of the following are examples of community place-based interventions? [select all that apply]

  • Vacant lot greening
  • Hot spots policing
  • Abandoned building remediation
  • Lethal means counselin

Q8. Which of these policies is generally supported by gun owners and non gun owners? [select all that apply]

  • Banning large capacity magazines
  • Allowing concealed carry on college campuses
  • Gun violence restraining orders
  • Requiring concealed carry permit applicants to pass a test demonstrating they can safely and lawfully handle a gun in common situations

Q9. Throughout this course, we’ve talked about several policies that, when implemented correctly, can help prevent gun violence. Which policies or practices have demonstrated promise for reducing gun violence?

  • Purchaser licensing
  • Strong concealed carry laws (may issue)
  • Safe storage
  • Prohibiting individuals with a history of violence from purchasing firearms
  • All of the abov

Q10. Why do we need to continue to develop innovative solutions to gun violence?

  • No policy or program has been effective at reducing gun violence
  • The conditions and norms that contribute to gun violence vary and will continue to change over time
  • It has been mostly impossible to pass new state gun laws
  • All of the above

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