She Nolonger Weeps Exam Questions. Feel Free to comment with your answers in the comment section

  1. “She Nolonger Weeps can be viewed as criticism of established conventions” Discuss.
  2. Discuss the issue of Gender in she nolonger weeps(there’s domination of patriarchal society leading to manipulation of women e.g relationship between Martha n Freddy/How the women’s organization supports patriarchy)
  3. In She Nolonger Weeps, Freddy is an embodiment of patriarchal values and attitudes. Discuss.
  4. Examine the dramatic effectiveness of the title “She Nolonger Weeps”
  5. “Women are emotional and are led by temper than rationality” is that a fair judgement on women in SNLW?
  6. To what extent is Dangarembga a formidable feminist writer who is agitating for the emancipation of women from subjugation by men? (…from male chauvinism?)
  7. Discuss the major concernsof the play SNLW.
  8. Discuss the effectiveness of the dramatic techniques employed by Dangarembga in SNLW
  9. Discuss the major concerns of the play SNLW
  10. In what ways is religion used to to inform characters;s relationship and attitudes in Dangarembga’s She Nolonger Weeps?
  11. Consider what happens in the story, how appropriate is the title SNLW?
  12. Discuss Dangarembga’s portrayal of male characters in SNLW
  13. The play is an attack on patriarchy, Discuss
  14. “Ï dont believe that just because iám a woman, i must sacrifice my potential to an idiotic man” Considering what happens in the play, comment on Martha’s character in relationship to these words.
  15. SNLW is a literature of protest. Discuss
  16. Discuss the view that Martha is a victim of unjust, wicked and cruel society.