It has come to our attention that some webmasters and WhatsApp group admins are spreading false information regarding the release of ZIMSEC O Level results. Don’t fall for the fake news – ZIMSEC has not yet released the results and will issue a statement when they are available.
zimsec results out: Zimsake

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It’s important to be cautious when consuming information on social media, as not everything you see is true. In this case, some individuals are looking for hits by publishing fake news that the results are out, while others are using the opportunity to increase their members in WhatsApp groups.

To stay informed with the latest updates on ZIMSEC O Level results, you can follow eduzim for accurate and reliable information. You can also keep up to date by sending the word “results” to our WhatsApp number +27679983957.

We urge the public to exercise caution and not to fall for fake news circulating on social media. The release of O Level results is a crucial time for students and their families, and it’s important to have accurate information to make informed decisions. ZIMSEC will issue a statement when the results are available, and we will also publish the news on eduzim.