It appears that there has been a false alarm circulating on WhatsApp groups regarding the release of Zimsec O-level results. Many students and parents woke up to the buzz this morning, only to find that the results have not yet been released.
The last official update from Zimsec was about the remarking procedure on their Facebook page. However, the examination board has not yet released a statement regarding the release date of O-level results.
Eduzim, a reliable source for education news in the country, assures the public that they will give an update as soon as Zimsec officially releases the results. In the meantime, those who are eager for the results can stay updated by sending the word “results” to our WhatsApp bot on the number +27679983957.
It is important to note that the release of O-level results is a significant event for students, and it is essential to wait for official announcements from Zimsec. Let us all stay vigilant and avoid spreading false information.