get rid of headaches naturally

1.Drink water

inadequate hydration leads you to develope a headache. Make sure you always drink enough water and also eating water rich foods.

2. Limit alcohol

Yes.. you heard me well.Studies show that alcohol can trigger migrainesin about one-third of those who experience frequent headaches. Alcohol widens blood vessels and allows blood to flow more freely hence causing headaches.

3. Get adequate sleep

Studies have shown that people who get less sleep had more frequent and severe headaches. However, getting too much sleep may also cause headaches.

4.Sooth pain with cold compress

Applying cold or frozen compresses to the neck and the head area decreases inflammation, slows nerve conduction and constricts blood vessels, all ofwhich reduce headache pain.

5.Take caffein

Drinking beverages that contain caffeine such as tea or coffee may provide relief when you are experiencing a headache. Caffeine improves mood,increases alertness and constricts blood vessels all of which can have a positive effect on headaches.


Try acupuncture

7. Relax with Yoga

Practicing yoga is a great way to relieve stress, increase flexibility and improve your overall quality of life.

8. Avoid strong smells

Strong odors like those of perfumes and cleaning products can cause certain individuals to develop headaches.

9. Drink ginger tea

Ginger root contains many beneficial compounds like antioxidants and inflammatory substances

10.Take some exercises

Engage in physical activity.

By: T.Titus Nyakudyara
Twitter: @NyakudyaraTitus.