CENTRE NAME              :  Murewa High school


SYLLABUS TOPIC           :  Themes in Prose, Poetry and Drama

SYLLABUS SUB-TOPIC  : Themes: marriage in I Will Wait

CALA TITLE: Wife inheritance and forced marriage



Research and analysis

Critical thinking


Presentation of researched data



Marriage is one of the oldest institutions in human society. As society has evolved so has the institution. There are some forms that have been outdated while others have been embraced. In I Will Wait, Msora brings to trial the issue of wife inheritance and how it takes away the freedom of individual, Rudo to be more specific. One’s choice is override by community as her parents cannot have a listening ear to her. Her education is on the verge of being affected by they do not care since they fear she might be too difficult to control. Marriage is therefore portrayed as a communal thing.


This CALA has two separate parts – Part A and Part B. You need to complete both parts.



*Part A*

  1. i) List five types of marriages in your community. [5]

ii.State the problems of forced marriage in community. [3]

iii) Mention four roles played by aunts to their nieces in the marriage process. [4]

  1. iv) Research on the way marriage Is handled in your community and whose choice is valued, the parent’s or the one being married or marrying. [6]

*Part B*

(i) Marriage should be a choice of the one marrying or getting married. Discuss . [10]

  1. ii) Submission [2]