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Mutoko District Hospital

Background History of Mutoko District Hospital

Mutoko District Hospital is in Mashonaland East Province located in Mutoko District near Mutoko township. It was first built in 1956 then in 1983, it was refurbished by the Norwegian embassy and the Chinese embassy. It is located in Mutoko High density suburbs.   It has several clinics under it which include Chikondoma, Katsukunya, Kawazva, Nyamuzuwe to mention but a few. It is near an orphanage centre called Mother Of Peace and a leprosy centre called Mutemwa.  

Services Provided At Mutoko District Hospital

– F.C.H – Family Child Hospital.

– Pharmacy:   provision of drugs and medicine

– Outpatients department for consultations of patients

– Dental department: Tooth and oral care

– Ex-ray department: For ex-ray and seen radio-graph

– OI: Opportunities Injection.

– Maternity department: delivering of mother

– Nutrition department

– Psychiatric: Mental Health management.

Pictures of Mutoko District Hospital

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