Zimsec have released O Level results. Here is a step by step Guide on how to check your results on Zimsec portal:

#1: Visit ZIMSEC portal by navigating to the following links

Choose your Province eg-:

1. https://dcmv1.zimsec.co.zw – HARARE AND MASVINGO

2. https://dcmv2.zimsec.co.zw – MANICALAND AND MIDLANDS




#2: Register as a new user

Click on “Register as a new user”. You will be directed to a registration page where a form will appear. Enter all the details correctly. You can also check the instructions below:

Screenshot 854

Zimsec Candidate account registration instructions

1.Enter the six digit Centre Number.

2. Enter the four digit Candidate Number.

3. Choose session from the drop down list, either June or November.

4. Choose level from the drop down list, either O’Level or A’level.

5. Enter the Year you sat for the exam.

6. Enter your Candidate Name as it appears on the statement of entry. If you have a second name, just put the initial eg Chimuti Tinashe T

If the name typed differ in anyway from the one on the statement of entry, the account will not be created. Start with your Surname First then Name. If you have a second name , write only the initial eg Chimuti Tinashe T

7. Enter your date of birth, using the dd/mm/yyyy format.

8. Enter a username that you would like to use for logging in to the application.

9. Enter a password, that comprises of a capital letter, digits,and non alphabetic characters. For example Zimsec123! would be a valid password.

10. Reenter the password in the confirm password text box.

11. Enter the the security phrase of your choice for example, i am jonathan, take note of the spaces within your security phrase as these spaces are also considered as characters.

12. Click the register button.

13. If account registration is successful, the application will redirect to the login screen.

14. If there are any errors, the application will display the errors on the screen.

15. It’s important for the candidate to remember their Security Phrase and Username in case they loose their password.

16. Contact 08080147 our tollfree number using an ecoonet line or (0242) 304118 for help.

#3: Login

After creating your account, login with the details you just used. That is username and password

#4:Common Errors and Solutions

  1. Candidate with supplied details not found : Check if you have entered the correct details eg centre number, candidate number etc. Check if you are on the correct portal for your province – refer to the first paragraph in this article.
  2. Password must contain at-least 1 non alphabetic character: Your password should contain special characters like ! @ # $ % ^ & * (
  3. Incorrect date of birth: Your date of birth should be in this format: dd/mm/yyyy eg 20/01/2005