The modes of production improved. New tools improved the way of life.
Hunting- hunters were able to use better tools like spears hence getting more meat skins and ivory.
Fishing-Iron hooks made it easier.. they replaced bone hooks.Axes were used to make wooden boats.Weapons like axes provided security for hunters from dangerous water animals.Fish led to improvement of diet.
Crop cultivation began in the iron age. Axes were used to clear land.Agriculture provided more food eg sorghum.Hoes made the work faster and easier.
Specialization developed on account of division of labor based on skill.
Mining began.
Social changes from Stone age to early iron age
There was division of labor based on sex.
Men’s work-building kraals and huts,herding,hunting,mining etc
Women’s work-gathering,pottery,looking after children etc
Classes developed in the iron age.There were classes of rich and poor people because of accumulation of wealth eg blacksmiths became richer because they produced iron tools which were on demand.
Exploitation of poor people began eg loan cattle was practiced by those with more cattle.
Axes were used to make pole and dagga huts- the shelter in iron age changed to permanent.
Agriculture led to permanent shelter.
The shona villages were based on lineage system.
Village cooperatives made work easier.(Nhimbe)
A man was allowed to marry many wives.
The status of a man was brought by having many wives,children and livestock.
Clothes of animal skins continued to be made.
Women decorated their bodies with jewelery.
The Shona had many beliefs which were important in their life.Worshiped a high God called MWARI.