zvinoreva maitiro kana mararamiro. Maitiro aya ndiwo arikuumba chinyorwa chino kubva kumararamiro avo kare zvichibatananemararamiro avari kuita mazuva ano muhupenyu hwemakore anoeshanduko nekuwanda kwenjere.
Category: Shona
Shona Mutauro, Mazita, Kunyora Nzwisiso ne Mhenenguro nezvimwe
Misambo yekutaura matauriro akakodzera pakati pemutauri nevateereri vake. Chiitiko chimwe nechimwe chine matauriro akakodzera anofanirwa kuitwa pachiri. Kana takatadza kushandisa musambo wakakodzera kutura mashoko edu, pfungwa dzatinenge tichida kuti dzisvike pamusoro pechiitiko ichocho dzinokanganisika.
Tsumo Dzechishona (proverbs) and English meanings
Tsumo Dzechishona (proverbs) and English meanings: Aive madziva ava mazambuko. (What used to be hard is now simple. People that used to be great are now simple)
Shona marriage customs
luential in traditional Shona marriages and are involved through the life cycle of a union. In modern times, the influence of the family over marriage has eroded, but many institutions of Shona marriage customs endure. Central to these customs is the institution of roora, the payment of bridewealth.
Shona Dudziramutauro Q & A (200-2019)
Mitupo nemadetemberwo ayo
Mitupo nemadetemberwo ayo. Mashevedzero eMutupo Kumadzimai
Misambo Yekutaura – Bumbiro idzva redzidzo (new curriculum)
Misambo yokutaura muChiShona ingaiswa mumapoka anoti Chisekedzani, Chinyarikani, Chitorwa, Chisahwira, Chizukuru, Chiramu, Chishamwari, Musambo wekuudza, Misanganiswa yemisambo, Musambo wekubata maoko, Musambo wemhiramudzimu, Musambo wekukumbira, Musambo wepadare, Musambo wemudare reparamende, Musambo wemuhondo, Musambo wakakodzera, Musambo wepanhimbe, Musambo weparunhare, Musambo wechivhevhano, Musambo wekusuma doro panhimbe, Musambo wechidhorobha, Musambo wechizvinozvino, Chibhende neChiroora.
Tsumo. Tsumo dzese dzechishona list
Kukosha Kwemombe Yeumai Shona CALA Q & A
Mombe yehumai inokonzera matambudziko api kana isina kubviswa
“It was more the weaknesses of the Directory than the power and ability of Napoleon that led to his rise to power.” Discuss
The statement that it was more the weaknesses of the Directory than the power and ability of Napoleon that led to his rise to power does not hold much water. The Directory refers to the forth revolutionary government in France which ruled from 1795 to 1799. On one hand, the weaknesses of this government which include corruption and failure to revive France’s economy paved way for the surfacing of Napoleon while on the other hand, the military prowess, oratory skills as well as the opportunistic nature of Napoleon led to his rise to power.
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